legal notices

Legal notices & GDPR


This website,, is the property of A.ASTON, EURL with a capital of €930, registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under the number 431 246 057, whose registered office is located at 16/18, rue de Londres 75009 Paris (FR), represented by Séta Mestoudjian in her capacity as Managing Director.


The site is hosted by OVH, a simplified joint-stock company (SAS) with a capital of €10,069,020, whose registered office is located at 2, rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix (France).


Access to and use of the site is for strictly personal use only. You agree not to use this site and the information or data contained therein for commercial, political or advertising purposes or for any form of commercial solicitation, including sending unsolicited emails.


The content of the site includes its general structure and component elements: texts, images (animated or not), sounds and multimedia elements. Any full or partial representation of this site and its contents, by any means whatsoever, without the express prior authorisation of A. ASTON, is prohibited and would constitute an infringement punishable by articles L335-2 et seq. of the intellectual property code. The images and texts on the site are in no way contractual.


A.ASTON brands and logos appearing on the site are registered trademarks and logos. Any full or partial reproduction of these trademarks and logos without the express authorisation of A.ASTON is prohibited.


A.ASTON may not be held liable for hypertext links provided on this website leading to other resources on the Internet. You can set up a hypertext link between your site and the A.ASTON site by displaying our site in a new window and mentioning in the title tag of the link. The site cannot be integrated into the navigation of external sites.


For the proper management of the site, the editor may at any time:
• suspend, interrupt or limit access to all or part of the site, reserve access to the site, or to certain parts of the site, to a specific category of Internet users;
• delete any information that could disrupt the operation of the site or that contravenes national or international laws;
• suspend the site in order to proceed with updates.



Respecting the confidentiality of your data

The personal information or contact details collected via the form on the site are strictly confidential and are intended for the exclusive use of A.ASTON.

In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978 (law no. 78-17, art. 27), you have the right to access, rectify and delete data concerning you at any time by sending us an email ( or a letter (A.ASTON – 16/18, rue de Londres 75009 Paris, France).

Compliance with the European General Data Protection Regulation

A.ASTON complies with the applicable European law on the protection of personal data, and in particular with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, which has been in effect in all countries of the European Union since 25 May 2018, known as the “European General Data Protection Regulation” (“GDPR”), as well as with all the rules of French law adopted in application of this regulation.

Why do we collect your personal data and what is it?

As an executive search and human resources consultancy specialising in the health sector, the use of data is essential to our business.

In the course of our activities, we collect personal data on the following categories of persons: candidates, client companies, service providers.

We are required to guarantee you a number of rights, ensure data security, and inform you about the processing of your data.

Candidates: we collect information relevant to recruitment from your CV and interviews: your surname, first name, contact details, professional background, etc. No information not directly related to the recruitment process will be requested.

We store and use this information in order to help candidates find the job that best suits their profile, to put them in touch with our clients who entrust us with recruitment assignments, to keep them informed of the progress of their applications and to have all the information necessary to propose the profiles that best meet our clients’ needs.

Clients: when a client entrusts us with an assignment, we collect their name, job title, professional contact details, and most often the organisation they work for.
We store and use this information to meet their specifications, inform them of the progress of the missions entrusted to us, or keep them informed of our news or the evolution of our organisation.

Data security and storage

We are committed to ensuring the security of your personal data. We use a range of measures (firewalls, anti-virus software, etc.) to protect your personal information from hacking, unauthorised use or disclosure, or the unlawful destruction or accidental loss of your data.

All such information you provide to us is stored only on our secure servers.

Storage and sharing of data

From our first contact, we will send you an email to find out whether you consent to the storage and use of your data for business purposes for a period of two years. Sharing your data would only be done in your interest and with your consent.

Rights of access, rectification and removal of your data

In accordance with the regulations applicable to personal data, you have the following rights:

• The right to access information the company holds about you
• The right to rectify any incomplete or inaccurate information we may hold about you
• The right to delete your personal information
• The right to limit the processing of your personal data
• The right to object to the processing of your personal information
• The right to portability of your personal information
• The right to determine what happens to your data after your death

For more information on the subject, you can consult the CNIL website:

You can exercise all these rights by contacting us at the following address:
A.ASTON – 16/18, rue de Londres 75009 Paris, France
Or by email at:



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